Monday, February 16, 2015


Evidence that the holy grail exist and that Monty Python's knights were looking in all the wrong places. Yes... I'm talking about the seeds.

The seeds are in and we are so happy to once again have them available for those looking to garden and grow their own food in their backyards, community gardens, and windows boxes or patios.  

We will also be using them for garden education once again this year, with a SEED STARTING WORKSHOP coming up in March which will be held at the Fredonia Farmers Market.  

Pole and bush beans donated in bulk by Park Seed Company of Greenwood, South Carolina.

If you live in a tiny apartment without room to grow your own, please contact me at and I will help to hook you up with a community gardening partner.  

A wealth of vegetable and flower seeds donated to the Gleaning Project from Burpee! 

If you have a wealth of land to plant on, think about growing a few beds or rows of edible plants to donate to a soup kitchen or food pantry nearest you!  

Even some organic seeds for our community and educational gardens.
And finally, if you work for a non-profit or other human services/mental health agency; please contact me to acquire seeds for your clients.