Monday, September 29, 2014

No Better Time than Pumpkin Time

It's the time of year where all you want to do at the end of the day is sit down with a steaming mug of hot cocoa and a darn good book to read.  Perhaps you imagine yourself in an oversize snuggie, or maybe cuddling with your cute, fluffy, semi-evil cat.  Where ever your imagination takes you, it should be a mission of yours' to keep this recipe in mind.

Pumpkin-y Goodness Cocoa Full of Yummy-ness and Sunshine
Serves 1
     -2 tbsp. pumpkin
     -3/4 cup soymilk, cowmilk, or whatever milk you like
     -2 tsp. cocoa
     -3-4 drops liquid stevia (you can use 3 tsp. of sugar in place of stevia)
     -1 tsp. molasses
     -a dash of nutmeg

Heat up milk in a saucepan. Add remaining ingredients and heat through. Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy.  

And this one! Don't forget this recipe!
This is my favorite recipe in the whole wide-world for when company comes over.  It is soooo tasty and it tricks my friends and family into eating more good-for-you garlic than what they know!  
Go to your local farmers' market and stock up on winter veggie staples like potatoes, onions, garlic, and squash for this recipe.

Roasted Winter Veggies
Serves 8 to 10
     -5 to 6 cups chopped potatoes, red. yellow, purple, fingerling, whatever
     -3 large carrots
     -2 large yellow onions
     -1 large red onion
     -1 to 2 bulbs garlic
     -5 to 6 large beets
     -2 to 3 delicata squash (the small yellow squash with green stripes)
     -1/3 cup olive oil
     -1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
     -2 tbsp. dried Italian herbs
     -salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Chop everything up to around the same size and place into a large, preferably glass baking dish.  Pour olive oil and vinegar on top and toss to coat.  Sprinkle herbs, salt, and pepper, to taste.  Place in oven and set timer for 15 minutes.  After timer goes off, stir veggies and place back in for another 15 minutes.  Repeat 2 to 3 times until veggies are tender. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gleaning: Our Numbers So Far

We are halfway through the gleaning season, busily racing to pick aging corn, softening melons, and mammoth zucchinis.  Already, I have tapped out my volunteer list serve with notifications of gleaning opportunities, and the few volunteers that do occasionally show up appear haggard and impatient for the season to be over. I can't blame them! 

As of today, we have gleaned 21,681 lbs of produce in Chautauqua County from farm fields and gardens this year, with 74% of the total from the month of August alone! Needless to say, August has been a busy month!

Gleaning beans at Anderson's Produce in Jamestown

So... What are we doing with all this food?

Here's the list:
-Freezing it
-Handing it out to soup kitchen visitors
-Distributing it in our food pantry
-Cooking it into the soup kitchen meals
-Dropping it off at other soup kitchens, food pantries, and human services agencies
-Giving aging produce to farmers for their livestock
-And handing it out to anyone who will take it!

And even though our numbers are great and we are constantly busy with gleaning, distributing, and preserving produce, we can always use new places to glean!  If you have a fruit tree, a garden, or a farm where some of the food goes to waste now and then, please let us know!  We are always happy for a call to glean, no matter how big or small the job.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Know What You're Buying

Found this awesome information for buying produce at a grocery store!!!!!  Write this down on a piece of paper and slip it into your wallet or post it on your refrigerator at home to help you remember!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Roots and Wings Family Farm Recipe for Garlic Scapes

It is almost GARLIC SCAPE SEASON! Let's celebrate this joyous time with a little recipe from a local farm in Cherry Creek, NY.   Check out the farm's website here.

Grilled Garlic Scapes from Roots and Wings Family Farm 

  • Garlic Scapes, as many as you desire
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • what ever seasonings you desire
    • 1. Toss garlic scapes in olive oil, salt, and seasonings.

      2. Wrap loosely in tin foil and place over the grill or at the edge of your camp fire. 

      3. Roast until tender (10-15 min) depending on how hot your grill or fire is.

      4. Enjoy!

      Monday, May 19, 2014

      Green Cleaning Supplies: Do It Yourself

      Ever wonder what's in Windex?  Or perhaps in your toilet cleaner, sink cleaner, shower curtain cleaner, counter cleaner, tile cleaner, wood cleaner, drain cleaner, linoleum cleaner, dish and clothing detergent?  No?  
      Do you know what's in here?...
      Do you WANT to know what's in here?

      Here in the states, cleaning products (in fact, ALL of our PRODUCTS including personal care products, medicines, childrens' toys, and even our food) follow the super logical, morally-incorrupt principle of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty".  This means that chemicals used in the production and synthesis of our products do not undergo rigorous, unbiased testing for the sake of the consumers health.  

      What is the Gleaning Project's reaction to this? BOYCOTT!!! I know it may be hard for our consumer-based society to wrap our brains around this idea, but believe me, it's for our own good!  

      So put down that toxin-laden sponge and squirt bottle full of mysterious blue liquid, and pick up a rag, a bottle of vinegar, a box of baking soda, and hey, why not an apron? Let's get started.

      Here are some go-to recipes for all-around the house cleaning.

      P.S. You can purchase Borax (a mined mineral) essentially at any grocery store and it is super cheap and lasts for a long time.  

      Scouring Powder

      • 1 C baking soda
      • ¼ C borax
      •  Drops of essential oil (optional)
      In a bowl, mix the borax and baking soda with a few drops of essential oil. Store in a shaker and shake onto that pesky soiled surface slated for cleaning.

      All-Purpose Cleaner

      • A spray bottle (if you don't have an empty one, just go to the dollar store and pick one up)
      • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
      • 1/2 cup water
      • 10-20 drops of essential oil (if you'd like, I use lemon or peppermint)
      Put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up. Meaning, just mix it all together in the spray bottle.

      Alice’s Wonder Spray

      • 2 t borax
      • 32 oz. hot water
      • ¼ C white vinegar
      • 20 drops essential oil (optional)
      • ¼ C liquid dish soap (look for a biodegradable, non-petroleum based product from a company above. We used Dr. Bronners Castile soap. Find it in Tops’ natural cleaning section.)
      Dissolve borax in hot water. Add to a 32-oz spray bottle along with the vinegar and water. Then add the liquid dish soap and essential oil (optional). Shake it up and apply to sinks, tubs, tiles and floors.
      What cleaning your drain looks like at the molecular level

      Drain Cleaner

      • Baking Soda
      • Apple Cider vinegar
      Fill your drain with baking soda. Pour down apple cider vinegar.  Watch the magic happen. If you need to, take a plunger to your drain (it helps!).

      Monday, May 12, 2014

      Beans, Beans, They're Good For Your Heart... And They're Also Super Easy to Grow!

      mmmmm...beans.  They are quite literally one of my favorite foods <3 and most versatile veggie.  You can saute them fresh in a stir fry, add them to a soup, dry them and make curry, chili, southwestern bean salad, or stuff them up your nose if you are a one year-old.

      Bean plants growing in our Cornerstone garden
      in Dunkirk.
      Fortunately for us, they are also ridiculously easy to grow (and I'm hoping most of us have matured to the point where we don't care for sticking miscellaneous objects up our noses)!  Which brings me to the subject that I'd like to talk with you about, and that is...


      and then blog about it ^_^ mwhahahaha

      So, truth is, is that I just got back in from planting beans (and peas) and completely forgot to take pictures that I wanted to show everyone! Argh, life, don't I have it hard?  Anyway!! Today was a great day to plant them because it's about to raaaaaaain! Why is this good? I will explain if you continue reading... if you give up on this blog post then you are a lost cause and NO BEANS FOR YOU!
      Heirloom variety of beans gleaned from Greystone Nature Preserve
      in Brocton, NY.  

      I like bullets and numbers. I'm assuming you like bullets and numbers.  SO>>> Here is a 'how to' guide to planting beans using bullets AND numbers!

      HOW TO PLANT BEANS (for dummies, or post-graduate students, or mothers, or over-ambitious, plant-killing fathers, or children who decide that their noses are in fact NOT a grand place to grow beans)

      • 1.  Get yo' beans.  We glean all our beans from local, organic farms and nature preserves who let their extra beans go to seed.  Here at the Gleaning Project, we then have volunteers shuck the thousands of beans picked.  Beans that we don't plant are distributed throughout the county to food pantry, soup kitchen, community, and personal gardens.

      • 2.  Soak yo' beans. It's good to let your beans soak in water for at least two hours before planting. This loosens up the skin and re-hydrates your sad, little parched bean friends.

      • 3.  While your beans are soaking; Prep yo' soil!  Loosen up the soil with a hoe (or whatever) and draw lines with the end of the hoe (or whatever) about 2-inches deep and 8-inches apart.

      • 4.  Plant yo' beans.  Drop your beans into the little baby trenches 6 to 8-inches apart then gently cover them with about 1.5-inches of soil.  

      • 5.  Water yo' beans.  Soak 'em.  Like, super soak them. Soak them so much that you find yourself on the edge of an existentially crisis. Only then will you achieve inner peace, I mean, have your beans successfully planted.

      TADA! Now get out and PLANT THOSE BEANS!!!!!  
      You have until late June...
      now GO!

      Wednesday, May 7, 2014

      Prepping the Soil for Planting

      Happy May Everyone!!!! No snow, no frosts, no winter jacket, no digging out the car, and oh! Did I mention NO SNOW!???  I have been happily riding my bicycle to work nearly everyday and loving it. ^_^
      My friend Amanda and pretending to be happy with snow on Mardi Gras in Buffalo.

      Okay, now let's get down to business.  I'm here to talk about the gardens and what I (personally) have been doing to prep them for planting this season.  This is the "Hannah Approved" method that requires no tiller, no black plastic covers, no sweat inducing/blister causing labor, and yields magnificent results!  

      WORMS... and their poop (castings is the correct term :)
      You may be asking, "Why bother improving the soil? Isn't soil just soil?" Answer: NO, IT'S NOT, Duh. Well, we can leave out the 'duh' I guess. If your soil isn't healthy, then your plants will not be healthy and consequently, you will not be healthy.  

      Soil needs a balance of vitamins and nutrients (just like humans!) for your veggies and fruits to thrive. In addition to this, it also needs plenty of worms; My favorite little environmental engineers that work dutifully to break down the organic materials in the soil and turn it into super, uber, rich poop that the plants absolutely love.

      General 4-year layout that is easy to follow
      and keeps your gardens' soil healthy.
      Also! It's important to remember that different plants need different nutrients (which is why we practice crop/bed rotation).  As an example, plants from the Nightshade Family (Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant) are greedy for potassium while most herbs do not care for nitrogen-rich soil.

      Here are some common plants categorized by whether or not they are heavy or light feeders, or soil improvers to help out with your garden planning.

      Heavy Feeders: Asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collards, corn, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, potatoes, spinach, squash, tomatoes.
      Light Feeders:  Carrots, garlic, leeks, mustard, onions, parsnip, peppers, radishes, rutabagas, shallots, Swiss chard, turnips.
      Soil Improvers:  Beans, beans, and beans.

      How to Improve Your Soil

      In three simple steps...

      ***As a note before we begin! The following method is difficult if you are starting up a large new garden (and breaking into new ground)! And if this is your first time gardening, I recommend starting small so your not overwhelmed!

      Our Porter Ave. garden this spring after we flipped, added manure, and chopped up the soil.  

      1.With a shovel, flip the soil in large chunks so that the grasses and weeds growing on top now are on the bottom.

      2. After flipping ALL of the soil, add your soil amendments!  I use manure and compost, but you can use fish meal, seaweed, worm castings, fallen leaves, saw dust, peat moss, etc....

      3. With a hoe, chop up and mix your soil and fertilizer until it looks ready to be planted in! 


      Easy as that!  The only flaw in this method is that it requires A LOT of work, but it is well rewarded with a beautiful crop during harvest season.  

      This is the poor-mans method, requiring no expensive machinery, fertilizers, or covers.  

      There is SO MUCH MORE that I could talk about when it comes to the soil (because soil SERIOUSLY is the MOST important part of the garden... ever).  But because I am limited by your attention span, I will refer you to the book "Start with the Soil" by Grace Gershuny.  She gives a good (and very in-depth) overview of soil and how you can improve yours.

      Good luck and happy gardening!

      Friday, April 18, 2014

      Kitchen Composting

      A super simple guide to composting your kitchen scraps at home!  

      Steve with a mixture of poop and compost.

      Now, if you're like me and you have a tendency to throw your cooking scraps on the side of the house in a raccoon infested neighbored, then Good Luck! But if you live in a place without coons and perhaps only the occasional brave possum that enjoys knocking over your garbage can, then you should be fine!

      Home Composting

      A wooden-flat compost bin.

      Composting is a great way to turn your kitchen and yard waste in a valuable resource for your garden, or someone else's!  First things is first; Create a compost pile in a bin, hole in the ground, or other isolated area of your yard.  To keep varmints out, place a wooden flat or tight mesh chicken wire over the hole.

      If you are using a composting bin. make sure to keep the lid on tight, unless you want your compost growing legs and leaving you, only to return in the form of digested goop.

      **Digging about a 2-ft deep by 4-ft wide hole for a composting area is my favorite way to do it because if you need to expand your compost bin, all you have to do is dig a little more!

      I like to think of composting as making a delicious and moist layer cake. Complete with sprinkles, frosting,
      and dark Belgian chocolate as a filling.  A ratio of 3-4 parts brown to one part green is needed to assemble your cake.  After you add a layer of brown, you then want to top it with a layer of green, then a layer of brown, then a layer of green, then a layer or brown... well, you get the point.

      Here are some examples of green and brown goodies to fill your compost cake with:


      • Vegetable and Fruit Scraps
        An assortment of acceptable greens for your compost.
      • Grains, Pasta, Bread (without a ton of oil or butter on it)
      • Grass Clippings
      • Fresh Manure
      • Coffee Grounds
      • Tea Bags
      • Hedge Trimmings and Weeds
      • Seaweed
      • Feathers
      • Plant Cuttings
      • Hair (try to avoid dyed hair)
      Straw is a great material for the compost.


      • Dead Leaves
      • Hay and Straw
      • Newspaper and Cardboard
      • Woody Tree Trimming Scraps
      • Eggshells
      • Corn Cobs
      • Sawdust
      • Paper napkins and towels
      Some bones are great... for dogs.

      Things that you should never, ever, EVER even think about putting in your compost pile.

      • Meat (cows, fish, pigs, chickens)
      • Cheese
      • Butter
      • Diseased Plants
      • Oily Foods
      • Milk Products

      Having your own compost is necessary for garden health and in return, your own personal health!

      Wednesday, April 16, 2014

      10 Reasons to Buy Local

      Although there are limitless reasons to buy local, let's start with the top 10.  

      Fredonia Farmers' Market

      Photo courtesy of Thomas Annear
      1. Local food tastes better. The crops are picked at their peak, and farmstead products like cheese are hand crafted for the best flavor. Food imported from far away is older, has traveled on trucks or planes, and has sat in warehouses before it finally gets to you.  Check out some seasonal recipes here.

      2. Local produce is better for you. The shorter the time between the farm and your table, the less likely it is that nutrients will be lost from fresh food.

      3. Local food preserves genetic diversity. In the modern agricultural system, plant varieties are chosen for their ability to ripen uniformly, withstand harvesting, survive packing and last on the shelf, so there is limited genetic diversity in large-scale production. Smaller local farms (such as Gong Garden and Toboggan Hill Farm) , in contrast, often grow many different varieties to provide a long harvest season, in an array of colors and flavors.
      A mixture of heirloom tomatoes.

      4. Local food is safe. There's a unique kind of assurance that comes from looking a farmer in the eye at farmers market or driving by the fields where your food comes from. Local farmers aren`t anonymous and they take their responsibility to the consumer seriously.

      5. Local food supports local families. Wholesale prices that farmers get for their products are low, often near the cost of production. Local farmers (such as Margaret and Gary from Roo Haven Farm) who sell directly to consumers cut out the middleman and get full retail price for their food, which helps farm families stay on the land.

      6. Local food builds community. When you buy direct from a farmer, you are engaging in a time-honored connection between eater and grower. Knowing the farmer gives you insight into the seasons, the land, and your food. It gives you access to a place where your children and grandchildren can go to learn about nature and agriculture.
      A couple of cheerful vendors at the Fredonia Farmers' Market

      7. Local food preserves open space. When farmers get paid more for their products by marketing locally, they are less likely to sell their farmland for development (or to large growers that come in and plant GMO corn). When you buy locally grown food, you are doing something proactive to preserve our agricultural landscape.

      8. Local food keeps taxes down. According to several studies, farms contribute more in taxes than they require in services, whereas most other kinds of development contribute less in taxes than the cost of the services they require.

      9. Local food benefits the environment and wildlife. Well-managed farms conserve fertile soil and clean water in our communities. The farm environment is a patchwork of fields, meadows, woods, ponds, and buildings that provide habitat for wildlife.

      10. Local food is an investment in the future. By supporting local farmers today, you are helping ensure that there will be farms in your community tomorrow.

      Adapted from With an Ear to the Ground by Vern Grubinger, published by Northeast Region SARE, 2004.

      Wednesday, January 22, 2014

      A Page From the Roo Haven Fine Dining and Cuisine Memory Book

      Roo Haven is a small, family-owned farm here in Chautauqua County that specializes in raising heritage chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese on their picturesque 10-acre farm.  All their methods are NOFA-certified organic and their poultry essentially have the run of the place.  In addition to all of this, the owners Margaret Bruegel & Gary Phahl are some of the nicest people I've ever met! Which puts them close to No.1 in my book.

      Anyways! Here is a recipe from the great minds of Roo Haven:

      Turkey Party at Roo Haven: Photo courtesy of Roo Haven Farms 

        Easy No-Crust Quiche from Roo Haven Farm workshop

      • 1 dozen eggs beaten
      • 1 C milk
      • 8 oz cheese, grated (sharp cheddar is best)
      • 1 clove garlic, chopped, or 2 tsp garlic powder
      • 1 tsp salt
      • 1/2 tsp black pepper
      • Vegetables (as available; our favorites include chopped spinach, onions, diced fresh tomatoes, and
        diced green or red pepper)

        Preheat oven to 325F. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients. Grease a 9×11 baking pan with butter or cooking oil. Pour in pan and bake for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

      Tuesday, January 21, 2014

      Why Volunteering is Really Awesome (and Why You Should Be an Awesome Volunteer)

      We all know volunteering is important... don't we?

      Think about it.  When was the last time you volunteered? And no, helping your mom wash the dishes doesn't count.  Every year, 61,800,000 people in the US volunteer at one of their local, or global not-for-profits'. After crunching some numbers, that's nearly 20% of the population of the US!   So 1 out of 5 people volunteer in their lifetimes in the US, and I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like much...

      Volunteers at the BOCES garden in Fredonia.

      Here in Chautauqua County, there are many non-profit agencies that absolutely depend on those individuals who take a little time out of their lives to help their communities become great places.  The CCRM is one of those agencies who are so grateful for their volunteers that we are nearly bursting at the seems with gratitude!!!  Yes... that really is how happy we are to have all these awesome volunteers that come in and out of the CCRM on a daily, weekly, even yearly basis!

      So I would like to talk for a moment about why people volunteer: Why should we take time out of our busy lives of washing our hair, flossing the dog's teeth, and making sure the kids are wearing underwear only to help someone out who we don't even know?

      • REASON 1: The world needs all the help it can get!

      • REASON 2: The economic value of volunteering here in the US?...  $162,000,000!!!  That's a lot of money! Unless you're a millionaire, but honestly... are you really? And if so, you should definitely donate to local charities.

      • REASON 3: It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Harvard actually did a study on this and bequeathed it, "The Happiness Effect."

      Helping others kindles happiness, as many studies have demonstrated. When researchers at the London School of Economics examined the relationship between volunteering and measures of happiness in a large group of American adults, they found the more people volunteered, the happier they were, according to a study in Social Science and Medicine. Compared with people who never volunteered, the odds of being “very happy” rose 7% among those who volunteer monthly and 12% for people who volunteer every two to four weeks. Among weekly volunteers, 16% felt very happy—a hike in happiness comparable to having an income of $75,000–$100,000 versus $20,000, say the researchers. Giving time to religious organizations had the greatest impact.
      Adapted with permission from Simple Changes, Big Rewards: A Practical, Easy Guide for Healthy, Happy Living, a special health report published by Harvard Health Publications.

      • REASON 4: It might get you a job.  Volunteering helps you develop a skill set you may have previously not had which can totally nail you a good job (or at least good reference!).

      P.S. Volunteering is also an awesome way to boost your self-confidence, fight depression, keep you in shape, and connect you with other people!!!!! 

      "Why not volunteer?" I think is a better question!  There are so many places near you that need the help and all you need to do is give them a call!!!!

      P.S.S. Here at the Gleaning Project, we can ALWAYS use help. :)

      Thursday, January 9, 2014

      Muffins in Mind

      Now that I can finally open the door to my cottage without having to chip off ice first; I have muffins on the mind.  Cranberry muffins.  Warm and nutritious and delicious nut and cornmeal and applesauce filled cranberry muffins.  
      pretty, pretty muffins

      This recipe for cranberry muffins spawns from what is available in the Emergency Food Pantry here at the Chautauqua County Rural Ministry.  It uses ingredients that are easy to find, affordable, and nutritious while still tasting good.  

      Cranberry Cornmeal Muffins


      • 1 box corn muffin mix (gold star if you have non-gmo muffin mix)
      • 1 cup whole wheat flour
      • 2 tsp. baking powder
      • 1 tsp. salt
      • 1 1/2 cups fresh cranberries (or frozen)
      • 2 cups applesauce
      • 1/2 cup water
      • 1/4 cup vegetable oil (I like to use extra virgin olive oil)
      • juice and zest of one small orange
      • 1/2 cup maple syrup, stevia, honey, or sugar
      • pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon (optional)
      • 2 packets of maple and cinnamon oatmeal (optional)

      1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  In a medium bowl, combine corn muffin mix, whole wheat flour, baking powder, spices, and salt.  Add cranberries and toss until they are coated with the dry ingredients. 

      2. In a large bowl, combine applesauce, oil, water, orange juice and zest, and sweetener and whisk well. 

      3. Slowly while mixing, add your dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until well combined.  

      4. Pour mixture into parchment lined muffin pans and sprinkle with the oatmeal.

      5. Pop it in the oven and bake for about 20-22 minutes, or until a toothpick (I use my chopsticks) inserted into the center comes out clean.

      6. Enjoy!

      Monday, January 6, 2014

      Winter Weather Garden Musings

      As record lows threaten the North East in the United States, here are some happier things to think about...

      Snow Day in Dunkirk, NY: Photo by Morgan Burns
      -Green Stuff
      -More Gardening


      How to (realistically) plan for your garden this year in the depths of winter?

      Step 1: Figure out where you want to plant your garden if you don't have one already.  Think about how much sunlight your plants need, if water is accessible to your site, if the soil is full or rocks or clay, and if animals are likely to ransack it.  All these factors play into where you should plant your garden.

      Porter Ave. Garden in Fredonia in 2013
      Step 2: Plan your garden layout. Is it going to have raised beds or be tilled? Would you like to design a "pizza" garden or a traditional vegetable garden.  Also, think about which plants need shade and water more than others and which plants have symbiotic relationships.  For example, you don't want to plant a tall plant next to a short plants that needs a lot of sunlight.

      Step 3: Think about what you're going to grow.  If you love parsnips and tomatoes, then plant parsnips and tomatoes!  If you love flowers, plant a border of flowers around the garden.  And think now about which plants must be started inside early as well as which plants can be sown directly into the ground.  It is as simple as that!

      CCRM Kitchen Garden in 2013
      Step 4: Make a goal to set aside a portion of your garden to grow food for the local soup kitchen and food pantry.  Soup kitchens all over the nation are always in need of fresh and healthy food.  You can help meet this demand by growing a little extra this year to donate to the impoverished and chronically under-nourished in your locality. 

      Unfortunately, this is really all the planning you can do when the weather is -10 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  But think now about maybe joining a gardening group, or even starting one yourself! And maybe you live in an apartment or low income housing area where you can't grow a garden on the property:  Then check out community gardens around the area and see if they have room for one more.   :)


      Thursday, January 2, 2014

      This may not be the healthiest of all recipes, but it sure is perfect for the winter season! 

      Fairbanks Maple Syrup-Peanut Butter Sauce

      Photo by Betsy Dillbeck: The bucket method by Fairbanks.
      Fairbanks Maple is a local producer or maple syrup along Lake Erie established over 50 years with about 12 miles of maple lines through the woods.  They make all things maple including maple coated nuts, maple chutney, maple candy, maple sauce, and of course, maple syrup.  This recipe is from a workshop they hosted last winter at the soup kitchen in Dunkirk.

      • 1 cup maple syrup
      • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter

      In a saucepan over low heat, warm up maple syrup.  Stir in peanut butter until combined and thoroughly warmed.  Use over ice cream or cake or as a fruit or veggie dip.  

      Check out the workshop held by Fairbanks Maple at the Dunkirk Friendly Kitchen on youTube by following this link:
      Fairbanks Maple Cooking Workshop
      What is in season NOW in Western and Upstate New York?
      ... or at least in cold storage.
      Eggs from Roo Haven in Forestville, NY.

      • Apples
      • Beets
      • Winter Squash
      • Parsnips
      • Rutabagas
      • Carrots
      • Onions
      • Garlic
      • Potatoes
      • Turnips
      These should be available at your local farmers markets now! Also look for eggs, ethically grown and harvested meat, greenhouse-grown produce, homemade breads, jams, and jellies, and  handmade clothing 
      from people within your community.